Tim mclean greyhound bus
Tim mclean greyhound bus

tim mclean greyhound bus

Victim Tim McLean’s father filed a claim soon after his son was killed in the summer of 2008 against Greyhound, perpetrator Vince Li and Canada. I see it every day.WINNIPEG – The Canadian government and the RCMP have been quietly dropped from lawsuits filed after the beheading of a young man aboard a Greyhound bus in Manitoba. "I try to do my best, the schizophrenia societies across Canada try to do their best, to educate the public that people can effectively and successfully live with schizophrenia and manage it and be responsible citizens, have a moral conscience, and stay with their treatment plan. Summerville said he understands some will be fearful. "He has expressed a desire to stay engaged with his doctor, with me and with some other mental health organizations." "We're confident he is going to stay engaged," said Summerville. Baker is 'going to stay engaged'Ĭhris Summerville, CEO of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, has worked with Baker for around eight years and said he continues to live with remorse. Stefaniuk said the board will also hear arguments from the patient's lawyer and from the Crown attorney assigned to the case. "We weigh all the material that they have on their files, medical reports, psychiatric reports, psychologist reports and all of that goes into the making of the decision." " generally psychiatrists. Sometimes they're community forensic mental health workers, social workers, sometimes from family members, sometimes from the individuals themselves and we weigh that evidence. He said they represent a range of expertise.

tim mclean greyhound bus

"We receive evidence from the accused patient's treatment team," said Stefaniuk in an interview with CBC News last Saturday.

#Tim mclean greyhound bus code

John Stefaniuk, chair of the Manitoba Criminal Code Review Board, can't comment on specific cases, but said in cases like this a panel of three will hear evidence from several sources before making a decision. In 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled a review board must order an absolute discharge if a person doesn't pose a significant threat to public safety. The board should have moved slower and granted incremental freedom." "An absolute discharge is the lowest-level adult sentence that an offender can get," he said in a written statement. "The Criminal Code Review Board never considered the rights of Tim McLean's family. Member of Parliament for Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman James Bezan also said he was disappointed. Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, leaves the Law Courts building in Winnipeg, after his annual criminal code review board hearing, on Monday, Feb. "Justin Trudeau must put the rights of victims before the rights of criminals." "I think I speak for a lot of Canadians when I say this doesn't seem right," said Ambrose in a message posted on her Facebook page. The decision made by the Manitoba Criminal Review Board following Baker's annual review has sparked public debate.įederal opposition interim leader Rona Ambrose took to social media with a response last Friday.

tim mclean greyhound bus

"I'm one voice, I used it, please use yours." Decision sparks debate "It's time for all people to take care of each other or what kind of a world are we leaving for our children?" de Delley said in her statement. Mother of Tim McLean ends petition to change law.McLean's mother has long advocated that Baker should remain in a mental health facility and be required to take medication. Vince Li's request for more freedom OK'd by Manitoba review board.An absolute discharge means all restrictions have been lifted. Last year, Baker was granted the freedom to live in the community, but conditions included he must be supervised while taking medication for schizophrenia and disclose his address to his medical team. I pray everyone now takes it a step further. "I'm thankful for all the messages of love and support. "I'm grateful that Timothy's death has shed light on the issue," said Carol de Delley. Carol de Delley, mother of Tim McLean, who was killed on a Greyhound Bus in 2008.

Tim mclean greyhound bus